Jaw pain can often arise from various causes. It could be a result of jaw injuries or trauma, damage to the blood vessels or nerves, infections, and various other causes.
However, in this article, we’ll discuss how jaw pain can also arise from different dental problems, some of which you may have no idea are even causing your jaw pain.
If you want to learn more about how common dental conditions such as joint disorders can result in jaw pain, and how a dentist in Cranbourne can help with this, then continue on reading.
Surprisingly, there are many different dental conditions that can cause jaw pain. Jaw pain can come from certain types of joint disorders, but can also come from different dental situations. Here are some of them:
The temporomandibular joint (or TMJ for short) is the joint that connects your jawbone to your skull. There is one TMJ on each side of your jaw. The bones in the TMJ are separated by a disc, which helps promote proper movement.
In the event that this disc becomes misaligned or if the joint itself becomes damaged, you have what is called Temporomandibular Joint Disorder. If you have a TMJ disorder, you will experience pain on either side of your jaw or sometimes even on both sides.
Most types of jaw pain can actually be rooted in TMJ disorders. There are also other symptoms that indicate you may have TJD. Some of these include:
It is often difficult to narrow down exactly what factors contribute to TMJ disorders. Risk factors may include:
Oftentimes as there is no one cause for TMJ disorders, your dentist will be able to help recommend appropriate treatments for your condition.
These conditions are what’s known as bruxism. Bruxism often occurs in people who are emotionally distressed or if they grind or clench their teeth in their sleep. This condition can lead to significant jaw pain and tooth damage.
As previously mentioned, one of the main dental causes of jaw pain is TMJ disorders. Other general dental conditions that may cause jaw pain include:
Additional symptoms for jaw pain from dental issues may include:
If you feel that the symptoms of your jaw pain align with dental problems presented in this article, then it is important to see your dentist so they can examine your condition.
Some signs that indicate it is time you should consult your dentist include the following:
If you have jaw pain with any of these symptoms, it is critical that you book an appointment with your dentist so that you can receive prompt treatment.
Though there are ways to avoid jaw pain like minimising unhealthy habits such as teeth grinding and clenching, if symptoms compound, persist, and begin to cause more and more discomfort or pain, it is best to see your dentist as soon as possible.
Are you searching for a dental clinic in the Cranbourne area for pain in your jaw or any other dental procedure? If so, then look no further than Shine Dental Group.
Shine Dental Group offers a full array of dental services to help you and your family maintain healthy teeth and are a trusted and reliable dentist in Cranbourne.
To learn more about our services or make an appointment, please contact us today on (03) 5995 9789.
We strive for 100% customer satisfaction. If we fell short, please tell us more so we can address your concerns.